
LMUexcellent Workshop

Within the framework of the LMUexcellent program of the DFG, the Kling and Itatani groups coordinated the workshop “Ultrafast laser development and applications in photoelectron spectroscopy” to foster the collaboration between the LMU and the University of Tokyo. The workshop featured invited talks by Prof. Itatani on the development of BIBO-based OPCPA and Prof. Kleineberg on photoelectron spectroscopy with high-repetition rate HHG radiation. Postdocs and PhD students of the Itatani and Kling groups reported on local research and the status of collaborative efforts, initiating a lively discussion. With support of the LMUexcellent program, Dr. Tomoya Mizuno and Nariyuki Saito from Tokyo could extend their stay to support research activities in Munich.

25th July 2016

Picture credit: Thorsten Naeser